Point of Time

This will be a point of time that you will look back on and see that My glory rested upon you and upon this time with Me. Throw yourselves away from all of the pulls around you and draw yourselves to Me for this point of time. And as you do, this will be a point of time to renew. It will be a time that will bring about the change that you know you need. But not only for you, but it will bring about the change that My Body needs. And it will produce, oh my (tongues), it will produce the change that I need so that I can move the way that I desire. Glory to God.

Given by J.B Whitfield on 8/7/2006, at Agape Faith Church, Clemmons, NC

Strong Move of the Holy Spirit

Thank you, Jesus. There is a wave—strong current of the moving of the Holy Spirit. Just say that to me again, Lord.

Just below the surface of natural, physical manifestation that is moving. I mean it is swift, it’s moving like a mighty river and just sweeping throughout the earth. Sweeping people and of all kinds of cultures and backgrounds into the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of darkness doesn’t even know it’s happening. However, it is rising and rising and right now, right now it is at the point of bursting through into this natural realm. Into a move of the Holy Ghost that’s beyond anything the human eye has ever seen on this earth. And you and I are standing on it. We are standing right, we are standing right on top of it. Hallelujah. Oh, Glory to God.

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Mighty Rivers Shall Flow

For up until this very time, you have only operated on the very fringes of what I have for you – what belongs to you, and what you are to flow in. The rivers that are to divide and to come forth out of you more and more and more. But as you continue to come to Me, as you continue to cry out to Me, as your heart, your very heart, and the desire of your heart match your cry from your mouth, surely you shall see the quickening. Surely you shall see the Holy Ghost. Surely you shall see Him in power and in miracles.

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The Spirit of the Lord Is At Hand

Amen. But thank God Jesus knows what He’s doing and (tongues) Oh!

“The strategies are about to change because of My influence,” saith the Lord, “not because of political influence. I am bringing a change and you will see it very soon. Oh, there will be politicians on this side, get credit for it, and they’ll be politicians on the other side get credit for it, and there will be people that say ‘Oh, it’s because we have a Democratic congress. Oh, it’s because of this,’ and ‘Oh, it’s because of that,’ and I’ll tell you right now, it’s because I’m moving by My Spirit,” saith the Lord, “not by might or not by power, but My Spirit.”

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