The Open Door of Opportunity

“For prepare yourselves, in these last days that are here, and please understand that My glory and coming is near. As you begin to praise Me on this day, I’m going to wash your sin completely away. Now these are precious times to Me, and I’ll begin to explain and show you the way.”

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The Great Release

“Now you are about to enter into a phase of great release for all of the pressure and trials that this day will hold. For My Word is at hand, and it is on the line, and it will stand. But through you I’ll show My master plan to this generation of this land. So today, is a day of turning points in your way—to move from that which has caused you to sway.”

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Enjoy this Season

Trina: Tongues

 “So as you act in faith and rejoice before Me and even laughter fills your mouth, then you’ll begin to see things begin to change and things will begin to turn and even new doors of opportunity shall open and new things shall begin to spring forth and the scenery will change. For this is not your strength or your ability. My grace is sufficient for you. Even in the time of your apparent weakness, My grace is sufficient for you.”

“So therefore do not lean to your own understanding or even to your own ability but trust in Me. And trust in My power. For the joy of the Lord shall spring forth from the inside of you. And the grace of God shall increase upon you so that you’ll be more than a match for any situation and then your eyes shall begin to see.”

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Winter Bible Seminar

Speaking by the Spirit; not just speaking words out of your own mind or thinking, but speaking by the Spirit. Words that are inspired by the Spirit of God. Words that well up from within you out of your spirit; given to you by the Holy Spirit. Those words spoken boldly bring forth great happenings. Speaking by the Spirit, and so the glory of God shall come into manifestation. And some will see it like a cloud that hangs over the heads of the people. Others may not see anything but they sense the mighty move of His Spirit. Speaking by His Spirit, yielding your tongue unto the Holy Ghost. But you see, taking time to pray in the Spirit. Taking time to pray in other tongues will get you tuned up; will edify you and get your tongue hooked up to your spirit so that when He who dwells in your spirit can give you utterance, then He takes over. And you speak out what He says, not what you think. Speak out what He wants. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

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