Our DFZ Trip to Israel!

Merry Christmas! We have a special announcement regarding our upcoming trip to Israel with DFZ. Listen in and have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends!

Have You Left Your First Love?

Have You Left Your First Love?

This week Lynne Hammond did a Facebook Live about returning to Jesus as our first love. Have we replaced Him with even good things? She also talks about some warnings from the Word about replacing Him in our hearts with others things. It’s a timely word. She gives a charge to pray-ers and prays for you. Please take a few moments to watch.

Build a Room for Him

Build a Room for Him

The Spirit Whom He has caused to dwell in us yearns over us and He yearns for the Spirit [to be welcome] with a jealous love. (James 4:5 Amp.)

​It really shouldn’t surprise us that God responds in a special way when we desire not just His gifts, but His presence. After all, God (in all three of His expressions as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is a person, and just as every person does, He enjoys being valued and prized. He yearns to be treasured and welcomed in our hearts. When we do what it takes to make Him welcome, wonderful things begin to happen.

​What, exactly, does it take to make Him feel welcome?Continue reading

Receive Fresh Direction From Heaven

Receive Fresh Direction From Heaven

When we abide in Jesus, His Words come alive in our hearts. He quickens specific Words to us by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes He puts a particular verse on the inside of us. As we fellowship with Him over those Words, somehow He cooks them up and expands them inside us until they become an outflow of prayer. They become the perfect spiritual weapon for the prayer battle we are facing. They become the exact tool we need to accomplish what God wants us to do.
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