If you haven’t yet heard my journey to freedom from depression, please watch this video and then share it with someone you know. I hope it blesses and encourages you!
If you haven’t yet heard my journey to freedom from depression, please watch this video and then share it with someone you know. I hope it blesses and encourages you!
August 17–22
Upper Midwest Faith Explosion
Living Word, Pastors Mac and Lynne Hammond
Brooklyn Park, MN
Tuesday–Wednesday – 7 p.m. – Dr. Jerry Savelle
Thursday–Friday – 7 p.m. – Kenneth Copeland
Saturday – 5 p.m. – Dr. Jesse Duplantis
Sunday – 9 & 11 a.m. – Dr. Jesse Duplantis
For more information, visit lwcc.org or call 763.315.7000.
September 23–25
Agape Call to Love Conference
San Marcos, TX
Speakers: Pastor Lynne Hammond, Joseph Harris, Heidi Baker, Leif Hetland, and Misty Edwards
Registration Required - $40
For more information, visit lovecenter.regfox.com/agape-a-call-to-love-conference-2021.
October 13–18
26th Autumn Assembly Anniversary, Dr. Billye Brim
Encore Theater - Branson, MO
Speakers: Dr. Billye Brim, Kenneth Copeland, Pastor Lynne Hammond, Chip Brim, and others
For more information, visit billyebrim.org/autumn-assembly or call 417.336.4877.
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bonjour je ne comprend pas l americain mais par l esprit le Seigneur m a fait comprendre le sens de ce message il y a une forte onction de delivrance, si chaques personnes pouvaient avoir cette revelation de ce que Jesus a fait concernant la depression alors il n y aurait plus de suicide . merci pasteur lynne. chantal de l eglise de Nice France
Dear Lynne!
Thank you so much for your message!
We have lately been largely depressed and it helped us a lot.
With love,
Kati-Reet and Peeter
In 1997 at the age of 48 I had a bout with depression that drove me to make plans to kill myself. I was not a Christian. As I sat in the car inside our closed up garage I heard His voice within me! I heard “Don’t do it. It isn’t worth it.” I stopped what I was doing. I knew that I knew that the voice was God. I went back inside the house and for weeks He slowly led me to Jesus. I got before Him at an altar and asked to be water baptized. I was shocked when not only did I get the water but I got His Spirit too!!! The darkness lifted and I literally saw everything as brighter and more colorful than ever before. That day was actually my natural 49th birthday. It was the single greatest gift I have ever been given. God turned what the devil meant for harm to my good. I am eternally grateful for His love. And I thank you Sis Lynne for your openness. Jesus loves you and so do I, Your sister-in-Christ Deborah Switzer