Tips for Better Bible Reading, Part 2

Tips for Better Bible Reading, Part 2

In my last blog post, I shared some basic tips on different ways you can read the Bible. Today, I want to share a few more ideas that will help you make the most of your time spent reading the Word.

  1. Find a quiet place that is free from distractions and interruptions. Probably two of the biggest distractions are phones and television.
  2. Go to the same spot every day. For me, I am a visually observant person and easily distracted by what I see; going to the same place every day helps ensure I have nothing new to look at.
  3. Read the passage out loud. This will help you slow down and get more out of your Bible reading.
  4. Seek to live the experience. Apply all your senses to the passage. Smell the sea. Reach out and touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. Feel the sun on your head and sense the crowd around you. Put yourself in that position of Jesus’ disciple.
  5. As you read, a sentence or phrase may jump out at you. Think of that phrase as something the Holy Ghost is pointing out to you personally. Write it down and come back to it later; read it until you get what God wanted you to get out of it.
  6. Put stickers in your Bible when the Lord speaks to you about something from a verse. Each one of the stickers in my Bible means something and points to an experience with God or direction from the Holy Ghost. This is especially good to do with kids!
  7. If you think of a question when you read, take time to write it down; then ask the Lord to answer the question. It’s amazing to watch how He will respond. The next Sunday at church the sermon will be about your question, or you’ll go to lunch with friends and they’ll answer it, or you’ll hear the answer in your prayer time.
  8. Take a moment to enter into what you are reading. For instance, when you are reading about the peace that God has given you, practice being enveloped in that peace. See you absorbed by that peace. The Holy Spirit will give you an impartation of peace you can carry with you all day long.
  9. Recognize the Word will correct you. When you are worried or bugged about something, the Holy Spirit may highlight verses about God’s peace in your heart. As He does, you’ll realize you don’t have peace so you begin to release that peace to Him. At that point, your Bible reading moves into prayer. As you lift those cares to the Lord, He will take care of them.

These are just some little things that will help you grow spiritually so you can get all God wants you to have each and every day. Remember, the Holy Spirit is the greatest tutor and wants to teach us, both corporately and individually. He can teach each one of us perfectly and define everything in the simplest terms. He can make even the smallest child understand the Word of God and just how amazing our Lord is. Isn’t that good?

Enjoy the journey ahead of you as you become more and more purposeful while reading the precious Word of God!


  1. Pastor lynne .I must say thank God for you and the ministry God has place inside of you reading your blog is such an anointing I am receiving out of it .It is really an eyes opener for me now I know my prayer and study life will never be the same. Thank you and God bless you as you continue to stay i

    n His presence

  2. Very good, practical ways to put your whole self into the Word. Practical ways to abide. Thanks!


  1. […] want to share a few more tips with you regarding Bible reading in a future blog post; until then, keep reading the Word and finding out what God will speak to you through […]

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