Praying Today for America

Praying Today for America

Today Pastor Mac and I would like you to join us in praying for America as we remember all who lost their lives on this day 14 years ago. May God comfort their loved ones with peace as well as all those affected by that day. Will you join us in agreement for our nation and our leaders to be reminded to turn to God today for wisdom, strength, and courage?

Jesus said in Matthew 14:27, “Take courage!…” Courage is something that we take: an inner strength, a command, or a course of action. Continue reading

America Needs You to Act!

America Needs You to Act!

Early in August, I spoke a very important message at Living Word. America has tentatively agreed to a deal with Iran that will prove deadly if Congress allows this to go through. Please watch my message to find out exactly why Iran is a dangerous foe and must not be trusted.


“Iran: Present, Past, Future” – Lynne Hammond from Living Word Christian Center on Vimeo.


You and I must step up today and let Congress know how vital it is that this deal with Iran doesn’t go through. You can let your congressional representatives know today that they should vote against this deal with Iran by calling or emailing your representatives now or visiting for further details.

Father God, we need You right now in America. Continue reading

Our Prayer Petition for America

Father, You have said in Your Word to make petitions, prayers, and intercessions and to give thanks on behalf of all men and for those who are in positions of authority so that we can live a godly and peaceful life. Father, we come humbly but boldly before Your throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need for our nation—the United States of America. By rights of creation, this nation belongs to You, for surely You have created this United States of America. This nation did not come from men. It came from You. You put the seed of this nation in men’s hearts even before they knew. You have saved other nations for Your name’s sake. We implore You to come in the fullness of Your glory for the sake of Your name in this nation.

Lord, let not the heathen say, “Where is their God?” Let not the blood of our forefathers be shed in vain, for they formed this nation under the guidance of Your very hand. Lord, we know Your honor is at stake. Do not allow Your glorious throne to be dishonored. The gulf between light and darkness has to be greater. The Church must be brighter and not look like the world because Your honor is at stake. The world dishonors the Church because they’ve not seen the Church shine. We cannot make ourselves shine. Only You can shine through us. It would be unjust of You, a righteous and just God, to not send the glory that for decades we have cried out for. We cannot wait any longer. It must come now, Lord. And if not us, who? If not now, when?Continue reading

Praying for America

I remember in 1979 exactly where I was when somebody sent me the tape of brother Kenneth Hagin saying he had decided they were going to have a prayer school at Rhema. The reason for that prayer school was Jesus had appeared to him and said there is not nearly enough prayer for your government or for the United States of America.

At that time, I wasn’t so interested in praying for the government. I was praying more for personal things, for harvest, and for rain. But then brother Hagin went over to 1 Timothy 2:1-4, which says:

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

If you want to live a peaceable life in all godliness—where godliness can prevail, where you can have prayer in your schools, where you don’t have to have humanism and evolution taught to your kids—you’re going to pray for people who are in authority.Continue reading