Are you a part of our online prayer team? The Global Prayer Alert Network (GPAN) will provide you with daily prayer summaries of what we pray during one of our corporate prayer groups, Monday-Friday, at Living Word. Below is the summary of what was prayed about yesterday. If you are interested in finding out more about GPAN or to sign up, visit
Scripture focus…
(1) Do not worry because of evildoers,
Nor be envious toward wrongdoers;
(2) For they will wither quickly like the grass,
And fade like the green herb.
(3) Trust [rely on and have confidence] in the LORD and do good;
Dwell in the land and feed [securely] on His faithfulness.
(4) Delight yourself in the LORD,
And He will give you the desires and petitions of your heart.
(5) Commit your way to the LORD;
Trust in Him also and He will do it.
(6) He will make your righteousness [your pursuit of right standing with God] like the light,
And your judgment like [the shining of] the noonday [sun].
(7) Be still before the LORD; wait patiently for Him and entrust yourself to Him;
Do not fret (whine, agonize) because of him who prospers in his way,
Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.
(8) Cease from anger and abandon wrath;
Do not fret; it leads only to evil.
(9) For those who do evil will be cut off,
But those who wait for the LORD, they will inherit the land.
(10) For yet a little while and the wicked one will be gone [forever];
Though you look carefully where he used to be, he will not be [found].
(11) But the humble will [at last] inherit the land
And will delight themselves in abundant prosperity and peace.
(12) The wicked plots against the righteous
And gnashes at him with his teeth.
(13) The Lord laughs at him [the wicked one—the one who oppresses the righteous],
For He sees that his day [of defeat] is coming.
(14) The wicked have drawn the sword and bent their bow
To cast down the afflicted and the needy,
To slaughter those who are upright in conduct [those with personal integrity and godly character].
(15) The sword [of the ungodly] will enter their own heart,
And their bow will be broken.
(16) Better is the little of the righteous [who seek the will of God]
Than the abundance (riches) of many wicked (godless).
(17) For the arms of the wicked will be broken,
But the LORD upholds and sustains the righteous [who seek Him].
(18) The LORD knows the days of the blameless,
And their inheritance will continue forever.
(19) They will not be [b]ashamed in the time of evil,
And in the days of famine they will have plenty and be satisfied.
(20) But the wicked (ungodly) will perish,
And the enemies of the LORD will be like the [c]glory of the pastures and like the fat of lambs [that is consumed in smoke],
They vanish—like smoke they vanish away.
(21) The wicked borrows and does not pay back,
But the righteous is gracious and kind and gives.
(22) For those blessed by God will [at last] inherit the land,
But those cursed by Him will be cut off.
(23) The steps of a [good and righteous] man are directed and established by the LORD,
And He delights in his way [and blesses his path].
(24) When he falls, he will not be hurled down,
Because the LORD is the One who holds his hand and sustains him.
I have been young and now I am old,
(25) Yet I have not seen the righteous (those in right standing with God) abandoned
Or his descendants pleading for bread.
(26) All day long he is gracious and lends,
And his descendants are a blessing.
(27) Depart from evil and do good;
And you will dwell [securely in the land] forever.
(28) For the LORD delights in justice
And does not abandon His saints (faithful ones);
They are preserved forever,
But the descendants of the wicked will [in time] be cut off.
(29) The righteous will inherit the land
And live in it forever.
(30) The mouth of the righteous proclaims wisdom,
And his tongue speaks justice and truth.
(31) The law of his God is in his heart;
Not one of his steps will slip.
(32) The wicked lies in wait for the righteous
And seeks to kill him.
(33) The LORD will not leave him in his hand
Or let him be condemned when he is judged.
(34) Wait for and expect the LORD and keep His way,
And He will exalt you to inherit the land;
[In the end] when the wicked are cut off, you will see it.
(35) I have seen a wicked, violent man [with great power]
Spreading and flaunting himself like a cedar in its native soil,
(36) Yet he passed away, and lo, he was no more;
I sought him, but he could not be found.
(37) Mark the blameless man [who is spiritually complete], and behold the upright [who walks in moral integrity];
There is a [good] future for the man of peace [because a life of honor blesses one’s descendants].
(38) As for transgressors, they will be completely destroyed;
The future of the wicked will be cut off.
(39) But the salvation of the righteous is from the LORD;
He is their refuge and stronghold in the time of trouble.
(40) The LORD helps them and rescues them;
He rescues them from the wicked and saves them,
Because they take refuge in Him. Psalms 37:1-40
Moving ahead into the things of God
We work together as a company, not acting alone
Joined by the Holy Ghost together
Receiving instructions from heaven by faith and seeing it come to pass
Thank You, Father, for the power of Your precious Holy Spirit working through us today
Declaring to our souls that it is well with you!
Stability today in Jesus’ name
Walking in love with one another and in freedom
Jesus be Jesus in us and through us
Stepping ahead and advancing in our callings
Watching over every pathway for the plans to walk out
Calling for doors to be opened that need to be opened
Not blending with the world but blending within the body of Christ
The battles have been won both small and large!
Shaking the dust from our feet and receive Holy Spirit boldness to contend
Every need has been met—hallelujah!
Thank You, Father, that the Church is growing and growing—more souls are coming in!
Your plans and purpose are great—speaking to the provision to stay increasing
We are not held back by negative plans—we are the head and not the tail
Yes, we can! Yes, we will! Yes, we are moving and increasing!
Walking in the balance between the Holy Spirit and the Word!
Lifting up the Billye Brim meetings this weekend—divine utterance by the Holy Spirit
Revelation for us to pray about what is going on now in the world
We prepare the hearts of the people for the words that will be declared—prophecies
Pleading the blood over every atmospheric condition—sounds and sensitivities to the flow of Your Spirit
We plan in advance to received help from heaven through the office she stands in
There will be impartations and receptivity and rearranging
That’s the Spirit of seeing in operation!
Thank You, Father, for rearranging Your body all over the earth
Receiving a Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You
Prophetic voice that brings about a paradigm shift—a higher sensitivity to Your Spirit
Loosed from a blindness into the light
Knowing each other according to the Spirit, not the flesh
The Church is shining brighter and brighter!
No good thing has He withheld from the Church
The work has been completed in Christ
The power is already turned on—we operate in that power
Thank You for General Billye—reminding us of those things that are freely given to the Church
Receiving the petitions that we have desired of You in Jesus’ name
We bless Your Holy name!
There is liberty, increase and joy—revelation of the finished work concerning finances
Thank You, Lord, for resurrection life causing us to stand upright
Annie led in worship…
Continued praying…
Thank You so much for the blood of Jesus
For the ministry of Your Spirit—changing and revealing mysteries
We give You all glory for this day!
Yes I would love to be a part of LWCC Prayers. I am involved with the Closed Prayerers Prayer Group thru Billye Brim’s church. I was invited into this prayer group approximately two months ago.
I find it very rewarding as well as fulfilling a call on my life thru our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thank you so much for prayer notes, they are so important!!!
Yes I would love to be part of LWCC Prayers and I’m praying daily. It was five years ago when God touched me the inside very deeply and put America into my heart for prayers. Four years ago we visited LWCC and also we went down to Missouri to visit B.Brim’s Church. It was wonderful time to see all prayers and how deeply they pray God’s heart prayers.
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ!
All Glory belongs to YOU!!!
Thank you!!
happy birthday right around the blue sky.
I’m so thankful for the refreshings and deep drinking that was poured forth this past weekend. My life is so refreshed, strengthened and made sure in the joy of The Lord.
Thank you so much for opening these doors of Truth in Praying, in ministering, sharing in prayer and growing thereby! Glory to God!
Yes sign up for Global prayer
Wow great article!! “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV )!!
There is a post on my website, Called; “GOD is Control, do not worry”!!
Please PRAY for our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America and Israel-Yisrael Everyday Everyone!!
Our True GOD’S LOVE is from HEAVEN ABOVE FOREVERMORE through HIS SON Jesus ( Yeshua ) Christ!!
Love Always and Shalom Everyone,
Kristi Ann