Perhaps there was a time in your life when you flowed wonderfully in the plan of God and knew what it was to experience His presence in your life. But then you moved away from God, and you don’t sense His presence the way you once did. You are out of fellowship with the Father, and you know you need to jump back in. Or you may be walking with God to a certain extent, but you’ve allowed your Christian walk to stagnate. You aren’t as hungry for the things of God as you know you should be. Whatever your situation, you can pray this prayer of consecration right now and recommit your life to Jesus. You can dedicate yourself not only to Him, but to the wonderful plan and destiny God has for you!
I seek You, Lord Jesus. You are everything to me. You have all the answers I need to every problem I face. In You is everything I need to finish my course with joy.
Forgive me for playing games with You. Please deliver me from complacency and make Yourself real to me. Help me become so established and rooted in You that I stand tall and persevere over every attack of the enemy.
Father, I also seek to know You in a greater way. I cannot live without Your presence. Cause me to so hunger for You, Your Word, and Your power that I am never satisfied. Make my heart soft and pliable. Cause me to yearn and long for You. Fill me again with Your Spirit. Be nearer to me and dearer to me than I’ve ever experienced before.
Father, only You can meet the very deepest desires of my total nature. So I ask You to quicken me with Your presence. Help me lay hold of more eternal life. I know, Father, that it’s a progression. I know that from this day forward, I will move upward until that day when I come and bow before Your throne.
Lord, I know that hungering after You is the only way I will have all of You. It’s the only way I will wake up and arise to be a part of that spiritual army You are calling forth in this day.
What an awesome call that is, Father. To think that You want to use me, that You want Your glory to shine through me. What an awesome responsibility! Please help me to always walk worthy of what You have called me to do.
So thank You, Father, for trusting me. Thank You for changing me into what You want me to be and for making me into the image of Your Son. In Jesus’ name, amen.
The above article is an excerpt from Lynne Hammond’s book Renewed in His Presence. Click here to order your own copy.
Oh Pastor Lynne, this prayer is so dear to me. How beautifully it matches my heart. I love… “To finish my course with Joy”
It is as if this precious prayer dropped right out of Heaven and into my lab, a prayer answered. Thank you for being a leader I can follow, a leader that dances with the love and responsibility of God. I can learn so much from you. Praise God for you!
Yes this prayer said everything I wanted to say in consecrating my life to Christ! The words are humbling, loving and caring! Thank you for allowing God to use you in such a powerful way! Minister Yvetta Hardy
Good afternoon Pastor Lynn,with a face damp with Joyful tears & my Holy Spirit filled dancing heart,mind,& body I than your Christian Leadership, than you for the above message & Prayers for such a time as this all of us need it as we all get caught up in the whirlwind of “Whats Going On” in this world today,if there be any who say “not me” it is they we Pray for. So important Pastor Lynn is it to start our day with our Holy Trinity before taking the 1st step outside of our homes to the outside world,for in doing so we are affirmed,fortified,fully equipped to meet any challenges that are before us,and to minister to & uplift all Father Allows to cross our path. To God be the Glory! in this & all, in our Salvation Christ Jesus’ Holy Name above all names. Praise the Lord,for He Is Good & Worthy of Praise ♥+++
Pastor Lynne, thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit!!!
I prayed the consecration prayer .
I didn’t just say words,but it was an heart cry to the Father.
Thanks again. God bless you and your family.