Are you a part of our online prayer team? The Global Prayer Alert Network (GPAN) will provide you with daily prayer summaries of what we pray during one of our corporate prayer groups, Monday-Friday, at Living Word. Below is the summary of what was prayed about yesterday. If you are interested in finding out more about GPAN or to sign up, visit
Thank You, Father, for strength from heaven to run our race
That we don’t have to make it work because You have already made the way
When we don’t know the way—You promised to show us
Father, we trust and abide in Your presence
Scripture Reference…
(6) [It is He] Who has qualified us [making us to be fit and worthy and sufficient] as ministers and dispensers of a new covenant [of salvation through Christ], not [ministers] of the letter (of legally written code) but of the Spirit; for the code [of the Law] kills, but the [Holy] Spirit makes alive. 2 Corinthians 3:6 (Amp.)
(17) Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom). (18) And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:17–18 (Amp.)
Continued Praying…
Thank You, Father, beyond words for the gift of Your Son
You are changing us internally and leading us daily in Your plan—thank You!
There is increase, furtherance from glory to glory
Continually being moved and be directed by Your Spirit everyday
Calling up those ones that have been pushed back, by the power of Your precious Holy Spirit—deliveries and restorations in every way!
Spiritual strength and natural strength—bodies be made whole
Muchacho—ha, ha, ha!
Stand up straight and continually going in the right way—sealed by the blood and led by the Spirit
Going by the Book and in the plan!
Conditions that must be lined up—praying them out in the Spirit
Hidden things revealed to be removed and also to be carried out in Jesus’ name
Don’t vacillate in it but stay strong in it!
That’s the Spirit of seeing and the Spirit of knowing!
Rising up and expecting greater
We lift up all the names—You know the names, Father
By the blood of the Lamb and the name of Jesus, we say “Wake up and be on the alert—get into the plan of God!”
Members of the body of Christ, children of the King “Re-stand in that plan—RISE UP NOW!
Calling it down and calling it out of the way—the blood is against you!
In the name, we have overcome!
To the glory of the King!
Reach! Reach! Reach!
Take your post and stand—Watch it! Declare it! Cover it!
Pastor Paul shared…
I heard in the beginning of prayer that this was going to be a press and we did see the press in prayer. There are places we got to in prayer that we couldn’t get to in the natural. We are calling things out that may not be known to us today but will be revealed by revelation tomorrow. One of the things I heard today is that the Father is bringing us up as a church to the level of operation by the Spirit of God to be a dominant force in the world. He is calling us all to come up to get to the place where we can function fully as the body of Christ. And this is a press.
Pastor Ray Shared…
Even in a press, there is strength from heaven that will keep us blessed and it keeps restoring the intensity of the Spirit and the fire burns brighter than ever before. So, in the press there is strength for an even greater press! Ha, ha, ha! For the Church must rise up… not just take its place but take its place and be blessed and prosperous in every single way by the glory of God. Today!
I saw some leaders too in the body. I don’t know what was going on or what was happening but they were down under and needed to be pulled up by the Spirit. At one point, Pastor Dave spoke to the ministering spirits to go and I could see that help was on the way to rise these positions up, these offices of leadership in the body. For the whole body must rise—the whole body. A leg cannot rise without the rest of the body—every part working together.
Continued Praying…
I thank You, Father, that there is a press
Not status quo from here on out but greater than ever before
Thank You, thank You, thank You!
Song Came Forth…
We are pressing on to the upward call. We are pressing everyone and all to the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ. We’re stepping up to His place. That place of authority He has granted us through His Grace, His precious matchless grace and we are going to rule and reign over sickness, over death and pain as we take the weapons of the Spirit He has ordained.
We abide. We abide. In Jesus Christ we hide. Only Jesus, only Jesus living and seen… only Jesus reigning and ruling, reigning and ruling in our hearts as King. We’re pressing on. We’re pressing higher for the world is dying and the world is crying for our Savior, for a Savior. Live in us O Lord. Rule and reign in us. Move through us O Lord and be seen in us. We’re pressing on for the mark of the prize. We are holding You. We’re taking hold of You. We are walking in the power of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Paul Shared…
One thing I recall the Lord telling us in prayer today was that He was also revealing His fire. Pastor Ray just mentioned it in regards to bringing up the leadership in the body of Christ at large to the place where God has called us. He is revealing His fire… so, from what I am hearing this is an indomitable source of strength that the Lord has infused in His body to tackle the challenges ahead and to bring the Church to the place where it’s without spot or wrinkle. There is a fire that is in the body of Christ that this world has not known. That it will come forth in such a fashion that even the world will marvel because of the vessels that the Lord is going to be using. The world will say, “How come that these have such a fire about them that is unnatural to their physical disposition?” Because they will look small or they will look lanky or not strong enough to bear the weight of the challenge but yet when they open their mouths they have the source of life in them. There is a verse in the Scripture that says the king that sits in the throne of judgment scattereth away all evil with his eyes. A king doesn’t have to move his mouth to change the status quo. His eyes change the status quo. And the body of Christ is entering into the place of God where the things of God will happen on their behalf and it’s not the effort of a man.
Continued Praying…
Thank You, Father, for this time together
We call it blessed in Jesus’ name
Would you send daily prayer notes–I was receiving them.
I receive the prayer notes and am very blessed to be able to. They are a checking up for me to make sure I’m hearing from the Lord in prayer on same lines as your group! Thank you so much I read them and pray over them every day! Blessings Cindy
It is such a blessing to be linked and joined in the spirit with Global Prayer Alert Network. There is definitely no distance in the spirit, and daily I look forward expectantly for the GPAN alerts. Something on the prayer summary is always right in line with something the Holy Spirit has spoken or showed me during my personal prayer time. It has been a true blessing to my life to virtually be a part of this prayer network. Many continuous blessings to this ministry, the Pastoral Leadership, each prayer leader, and each “pray-er” that is a part of the GPAN network.