…Experiencing the Presence of God

…Experiencing the Presence of God

Many years ago, God told me something that has stood the test of time throughout my life and ministry. He said, “Lynne, I can change anything about you. I can change your circumstances. I can change your mind. I can change your personality and the way you feel about things. I can change your relationships. I can change anything if you will give Me one thing.”

“What is that, Lord?” I asked.

“Time,” He answered, “time in My presence.”

My, what wonders we would see if we could make an altar to God, put our lives up on that altar…and wait in God’s presence. What different lives we would lead if we discovered God every day in a new way. What power we would see released among us if we simply spent enough time with God and began every day fresh in His presence.

God would be able to do with us what He did with Peter. Do you remember what he was like the night before Jesus went to the cross? He was so frightened of the Jewish leaders that he only followed Jesus from a distance when they took Him away for questioning. And when a little girl recognized Peter and said he had been with Jesus, he denied it. By the time the evening was over, Peter had sworn, cursed and disowned Jesus three times.

But some 50 days later, on the day of Pentecost, Peter walked boldly out of the upper room a different man. Instead of shrinking back in terror, he stood before multitudes and proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah. The Bible says 3,000 people were added to the Church that day.

What happened to Peter? What could have so changed him?

Only one thing. He had experienced God as never before.

He didn’t just read about Him. He didn’t just hear someone talk about Him. He didn’t just accept a doctrine. He experienced Him!

Oh, my friend, set your heart today to discover God in that way. Set your heart to seek Him and to experience Him for yourself.

He is waiting for you.


  1. Lynn thank you for always being led by the Holy Spirit! I look forward to your post! Praying that you stay hungry for His Presence! I’m reading again practicing His presence! Taking Him to those in the nursing home ! My home church is Calvary Cathedral International in Fort Worth. Pastor Bob Nichols. My husband and I pray with the street ministry lost that are bused in on Sunday’s and visit the 2 nursing homes the church has outreach to. Going into all the world teaching and making disciples! 2009 Autumn Prayer assembly drew me closer in my relationship to Jesus✨

  2. Robyn Householder

    This is SoGood!! Thank you Miss Lynne!! You are such a blessing!! His presence is everything!!

  3. As I’m reading this my eyes filled with tears..all I need it to know was ” Time” my heart want’s to discover God in a different way.. Thank you! Pastor Lynne

  4. Thank you so much Lynne for this glorious message!!! I deeply hunger for Him and the intimacy of His presence so your message is like wind for my sails.

  5. Thank you for this.

  6. Valerie Allison

    Thank You Lynne from Scotland.

  7. Thank you so much for this Pastor Lynne. It certainly puts things into right perspective and a righteous perspective. I needed to read this today. Hoping to see you in Israel & in Washington, DC this year. I’m just yielding and surrendering to wherever and whatever the Lord would have me to do in these glorious days that we are living in. Love & Many blessings to you & yours!

  8. Thank you so much Lynne for this glorious message from Scotland.

  9. Thank you so much Lynne by this glorious message i have understood that i must spend time in my father’s presence.May the ALMIGHTY bless you and your husband.

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