Answering the Call

Answering the Call

We know in the last days there will come perilous times of great stress and trouble, but that isn’t something we should stress over or be concerned about. We can be encouraged because in the middle of difficulty, God has provided all we will need to be fully equipped for every good work.

Over the next few days I want to share with you excerpts from my book, Devotions for the Praying Heart: Prayer Notes, that will encourage you along these lines. I hope you are encouraged by them. I’m praying for you as you stand with our Lord on the battlefront; may you be brave, courageous, and positioned victoriously in Him.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)

God is sending out a call to His people in these days. It is an urgent call. It is a call that if left unanswered will cost individual believers, the Church at large, and the world itself a higher price than any of us want to pay. It is a call that rings in the heart of every Christian who has ears to hear.

God is calling His saints to prayer.

Some are heeding that call and making prayer the priority of their lives. They are obeying the admonition in 1 Timothy 2:

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, (verses 1–3)

Others, however, are letting the busyness of life drown out that call. They’re saying things like, “One of these days, I’m going to take time to pray. But I have to get some other things done first.”

I’ll just be honest with you about that kind of thinking.

It’s wrong. It’s unscriptural and it has been introduced into the Church by Satan himself. He has a great interest in keeping people out of prayer because he knows it’s prayer that brings the power of God on the scene. It’s prayer that pushes back the forces of darkness and looses the hosts of heaven.

It’s prayer that fills the Church with supernatural power.


Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:19–33


As noted above, this post includes an excerpt from Devotions for the Praying Heart: Prayer Notes. To purchase your own copy of the book, visit our store.


  1. Amen!! Jesus Christ our FATHER LOVES us!!

  2. I’ve been thinking about what Kenneth Copeland said once. He said God told him, because I (God) have your mother in my face, you (Kenneth) aren’t going to fail. So I believe God wants me to hold my relatives, friends, and whoever else He brings to mind before Him and pray for them. I believe the time is short. Your email confirms to me what God wants me to do. Thank you, Judy

  3. Thank you Lynne,
    praying is very important, (Isaiah 56:6-7)
    Lots of Love,

  4. Anita Johnson

    “Prayer is what we are. His house of prayer “. Lynne Hammond, from “The Master Is Calling. “

  5. Pastor Lynne, Praise God for you and this post! Such confirmation in my life! Also, I recently downloaded several of your books from onto my kindle, this being one of the ones I downloaded. I am reading and trying to absorb all I can, as your teaching, preaching, books, and lifestyle example of a true, genuine prayer general has sooooo blessed and impacted my life I could never adequately express it into words. Just know that I praise God for you and continue to pray for you daily. Love & Blessings to you! – Wendy Brooks

  6. Robyn Householder

    Thank you Miss Lynne! Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer! I definitely am in the category of those that need to pray more! Praying and thanking the Father for the Grace needed!

  7. mary judovsky

    Lynne thank you for your obiendience. I see Jesus seeking his Father while on Earth first then only doing what he sees his Father doing. We are to be immitators of him. Doing mighty exploitates in his name. Like Smith Wigglesworth said O have so much I must seek the Lord at least three hours. Whete does our strength and help come from but the Lord.

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