Let Others Follow Him Too

Let Others Follow Him Too

As I talked about yesterday, when you try to copy someone else or live your life based on the way you saw someone else living, you’re stuck in a trap. God wants us to get down in our hearts, find out what He is saying to us individually, and let that drive our lives instead of following what God is directing other people to do.

Now, there’s something very important we need to remember as we follow our hearts: we must let other people follow their hearts as well. If you are in a strong place of reading the Word, don’t condemn the person going to the gym three nights a week to exercise. If you are in a season of prayer, don’t look down on the person spending time with their neighbors. We don’t know what God is directing other people to do; we should want them to follow their hearts, just as we are striving to do.Continue reading

From Grueling to Glorious

From Grueling to Glorious

Getting into a flow of God where spiritual things are concerned is grueling for many Christians. They are always anxious about what they are doing, almost wringing their hands. How much time should I spend doing this? So-and-so did it this way. Should I do what they did?

When you try to copy someone else or live your life based on the way you saw someone else live, you’re stuck in a trap. I have seen this happen with people time and again. They see one person spending a lot of time studying the Bible and another person in a strong season of prayer. If they don’t learn to locate and follow their own hearts, they could simply assume they should be praying or studying the Bible as well. They are in a strong season of prayer, so I need to be in a strong season of prayer. I’ll just move over there to that. That’s not right. God may have you in a season of going to the gym! We don’t know what each other’s seasons are. We are only to be concerned with the season God is directing us to be in as we live from our heart.Continue reading